Spiritual Discipleship
Life & Teachings of Christ
Old Testament
New Testament
Education of Youth
History of the Black Church
Life of Paul
Christian Worship
Christian Ethics
Church Administration
Pastoral Ministries
The Miracles of Jesus
English Grammar
English Composition
Introduction to Christian Education
Christian Counseling II
Dynamic Methods of Teaching
The Gospels
Biblical Hermeneutics
Black Baptist History
The Pauline Epistles
The Pentateuch
Christian Ethics
New Testament Survey
Old Testament Survey
Bible Doctrines
Pastoral Epistles
Historical Books
Poetics Books
The Gospel of Mark
Sociology II
Homiletics II
The Theology of Worship
Ministerial Ethics
The Fundamentals of Public Speaking
Christian Foundations
Pastoral Care
Introduction to Christian Counseling
Systematic Theology
English Composition I
Leadership Principles
English Composition II
*Note: Courses and/or order subject to change.
NJB is a faith-based school that you will benefit from in a welcoming atmosphere and small-class learning environment.
Although, we are sponsored by Baptists, we welcome all denominations and races; ministers, laypersons, men, and women. We are committed to religious and intellectual freedom and respect for religious diversity.
N. J. Brockman provides its students the opportunity to gain more knowledge, nuture, train and help that best suits his or her individual interests, passions and goals in the Christian ministry.
Our faculty and instructors are committed to giving students the individual attention that's needed to help them excel for their journey.
All of our instructors teach and mentor, not only in the classroom, but also in their respective churches and the community.
Our students receive individualized attention from faculty and instructors who are accessible and who truly care about them not only as students, but also as people. Learning and student success is our highest priority.
The Office Registrar helps students with questions about grades, registration, fees, enrollment, Commencement and more.
Call 864-271-7575